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Neck Pain After Auto Accident

If you are experiencing neck pain after an auto accident, don't worry. You are not alone. Statistics reveal that car accidents are a primary cause of neck injuries in the U.S. Neck pain might start immediately or happen after some hours or days following a collision. It is important to get neck pain treated before it worsens. At Metro Denver Accident & Injury Centers, serving Westminster, Lakewood, Aurora, and Centennial, CO, we can help. Our chiropractors provide a variety of natural treatment methods for neck pain after an auto accident.  

Neck Pain After Auto Accident

What Is Neck Pain?

During an auto accident, your neck might abruptly jerk forward and backwards. Moreover, a collision might propagate your neck to move from side to side forcefully. This condition is called whiplash. A stiff neck can jeopardize your daily routine and suppress one's quality of life if left unattended. If neck pain has been wreaking havoc on your health after an auto accident, it is vital to get it treated.

Symptoms of Neck Pain

After a collision, you may experience a range of symptoms that may appear after two to four weeks. They can include:

  • Throbbing pain
  • Inability to turn your neck from side to side
  • Headaches
  • Shooting pain
  • Dizziness or nausea
  • Numbness or tingling in your arms
  • Muscle spasms
  • Tingling in the forearm and fingers
  • Pain and stiffness

Types of Neck Injuries after a Car Accident

An auto accident can cause a wide variety of different neck injuries. The type of injury will vary based on how the accident happened. Whiplash is the most common injury and is easy to incur, especially in rear-end car accidents. However, it can also cause other issues in the neck. Some of the most common neck injuries after an accident include:

  • Cervical spondylolisthesis
  • Slipped or herniated disc
  • Neck sprain or strain
  • Pinched nerve
  • Stiff muscles and tendons
  • Facet joint injury
  • Neck fracture or compression
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Muscle Spasms

How Our Chiropractor Can Relieve Neck Pain after an Auto Accident

When you first visit us after an accident, we will perform a physical exam to look for the root cause of your pain. Our chiropractor will look for any underlying conditions as well. It is important to seek treatment even if you don’t feel injured, because some ailments don’t show symptoms right away. We can catch these issues early. After a diagnosis, we will create a personalized treatment plan for you.

Your plan can include a combination of our treatment methods, such as:

  • Spinal adjustments: These will realign the back and neck, alleviating pain and tension in the body.
  • Massage therapy: Massages will reduce stiffness and soreness in the neck after an accident. They improve blood flow and reduce inflammation to promote healing.
  • Physical therapy: This can include a variety of techniques and exercises. Stretching and strengthening exercises will improve your range of motion and speed up your recovery time.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractor for Neck Pain Relief

If you are experiencing neck pain after an accident, you don’t have to continue suffering. At Metro Denver Accident & Injury Centers, serving Westminster, Lakewood, Aurora, and Centennial, CO, we can help. Our chiropractors offer personalized care and will provide natural treatment methods to alleviate your pain and help your neck heal. Call us today to schedule an appointment.