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How Our Chiropractor Helps after a Car Accident

Where an emergency room, doctors, and trauma care can help stabilize a patient after a severe car accident. We can directly address injuries, such as broken bones or lacerations, and treat the patient with prescriptions so the body can heal internally. Although, traditional medicine doesn’t address long-term recovery well at all. Metro Denver Accident & Injury Centers help patients from Aurora, Lakewood, and Westminister, CO, read below to understand how.

Car Accidents Injuries 

Part of the problem with a car accident is that it frequently triggers soft-tissue injuries, such as muscle pulls and tears, ligament damage, and nerve damage. While bones and cuts heal quickly, soft-tissue injuries often take longer. Misaligned joints can also be problematic, producing chronic pain for months after the fact until corrected.

Chiropractor Benefits for Accident Injuries

An auto accident chiropractor can help after a car accident in several ways:

Inflammation Reduction – Many injuries trigger inflammation, as the body tries to immobilize the wound to help it heal. It’s frequently due to unhealed issues like spine or neck damage. Chiropractic treatment can realign spinal problems, allowing healing to occur.

Pain Reduction – Pain is our body’s way of saying stop, don’t move, something is wrong. Recurring pain means the body is blocked from doing its repairs. Our chiropractor can identify the root cause and help the body kickstart, reducing pain and improving repair.

Motion Restoration – Along with the two issues above, range of motion is often lost. With chiropractic treatment, movement can be restored, allowing us to function daily.

Reducing Scar Tissue – A big problem with severe tears is that they produce scars. Not addressed scar tissue can reduce movement, trigger pain, and produce permanent injuries. Our chiropractor’s treatment right after an accident helps reduce scarring during the healing process, significantly improving recovery.

Auto Accident Help for Metro Denver

Metro Denver Accident & Injury Centers help patients from Aurora, Lakewood, and Westminister, CO, especially after car accidents. As auto accident chiropractors, we can provide all the benefits and more with professional chiropractic care. Let us help! Contact us by calling (303) 457-4570.