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Interferential Therapy

Interferential Therapy in Westminster, Lakewood, Aurora, and Centennial

Here at Metro Denver Accident & Injury Centers, we take pride in offering a number of safe, non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical treatment solutions that complement our chiropractic adjustment sessions. The human body's own healing mechanisms respond well to a variety of therapeutic methods and stimuli—including electrical impulses. That's why we make interferential therapy available for our patients in the areas of Westminster, Lakewood, Aurora, and Centennial. This therapeutic modality can help treat many kinds of neurological and musculoskeletal complaints.


What is Interferential Therapy?

Interferential therapy involves the application of electrical impulses to tissues that are causing pain or showing neurological impairment.  In this respect, it resembles another form of therapy called TENS, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. However, the electrical impulses used in TENS are usually sent at a frequency rate of 160 Hz or lower, while interferential therapy uses impulses in the neighborhood of 4,000 Hz. The higher frequencies penetrate the body more effectively for treatment of deeper or more severe problems than TENS would typically be used to treat.

How exactly does interferential therapy work? Our chiropractor will place electrodes in an arrangement that covers the entire area to be treated. The electrodes interface with the body by way of self-sticking sponge pads; we may also apply a conductive gel to boost the transmission of impulses. The electrodes actually send signals at two different frequencies which "conflict" with each other, creating a series of beats that produce the actual stimulation. These beats have a kind of massaging effect on tissues, easing pain, reducing swelling, and enhancing circulation for faster healing. They also trigger the release of endorphins and other natural painkilling substances.

A Natural Part of Your Chiropractic Care Plan

The first step in prescribing any form of care, including interferential therapy, is determining the underlying cause of your symptoms to see what kinds of therapy make the most sense for your individual needs. Interferential therapy is often prescribed for issues such as sprains and strains, post-operative or post-stroke recovery, sciatica, disc pain, and cervical or lumbar spondylosis. Since chiropractic adjustment, massage, and rehabilitative exercises can also treat these issues, we may recommend interferential treatment as part of a larger holistic healing plan for you. The treatments themselves aren't painful, although you might feel a slight tickling sensation. They also have the benefit of being totally safe.

Contact our Westminster, Lakewood, Aurora, or Centennial Chiropractors Today

Either chiropractor on our skilled team at Metro Denver Accident & Injury Centers will be happy to tell you whether interferential therapy would make sense for you. Call our Westminster ((303) 457-4570), Lakewood ((720) 328-9033), or Aurora ((303) 927-7027) office today to schedule an evaluation.